
Galt House
Louisville, KY
September 22-24
Susan Harris
Sunday, September 24
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Susan originally attended school to enhance human-animal relationships, focusing on the animal. She attended workshops through Cornell University and APDT while running her own full-service animal care business. After 21 years, she shifted attention to the other end of the leash, attending the University of Louisville to earn her Master of Science in Social Work in 2014, receiving high honor for her work in creating trauma-informed community initiatives, and the Jeannette Comer Noell Award for Outstanding Advocacy. She completed her LCSW in 2017 while pursuing her Veterinary Social Work certification through University of Tennessee, accomplishing that in October 2020. She serves on the Commonwealth of Kentucky’s Trauma-Informed Care Steering Committee and is trained in implementation of trauma-informed care practices in service delivery settings. She joined the BluePearl Team as an intern in the Louisville location in 2019 and transitioned to a role as Regional Social Worker in 2020. She has had the opportunity to develop and deliver trainings on many veterinary-related Health & Well-Being topics, including but not limited to Compassion Fatigue, Psychological Safety, Boundaries, Trauma-Informed Care in Veterinary Care Settings, and Client De-escalation for BluePearl’s Conference Trax, Royal Canin, IVECCS, VMX, and Dr. Andy Roark’s Uncharted conference. She is also a certified Mental Health First Aid instructor. Through her work as a Regional Social Worker with BluePearl Veterinary Partners and Open Harmony, LLC, she is passionate about enhancing relationships for both the animals and the people who give their all to care for them. Susan can be best reached by emailing her at: openharmonyllc@gmail.com

Ryan Smith
Sunday, September 24
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Ryan Smith, MSc has spent his career working with high performers. After receiving a Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology, he’s worked with athletes of all skill levels. To fill in the gaps that were left out as part of his traditional education, Ryan ventured into the world of Wall Street to become a stock and options trader for a major financial firm, surviving both the tech bubble burst and the housing crisis of the 2000s before returning to the world of coaching. Combining the language of Wall Street with his coaching philosophies, Ryan began training executive level athletes. As his athletic career began to sunset he co-founded Veterinarian Coaching with his partner, Dr. Jennifer Quammen which focuses on how The Modern Veterinarian Thrives. Together they work with veterinary professionals and businesses to sustain careers, culture, and life by applying their model for The Modern Veterinary Professional.